Me, My Feelings, and I

Hey, I'm Ella :)
This blog is for any friends that want to see what i'm up to, but mostly just to get out all my feelings, inner thoughts, share inspiration, etc. I hope you like it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Best Friend Beefstew :)

Hello There!!!!
I'm in a FANTASTIC mood!!!!!! :D My best friend Kiara just left and I had the time of my life with her :) We always have soooo much fun and laugh sooo hard it's unbelievable. Being with her just reminds me of my true friends. And that I DO have amazing people in my life. My best friends are so amazing <3 I'm literally happier than i've been in a long time. Even thinking about drama can't get me down. And now we have spring break and I'm going up to my cabin!!! That's going to be amazing! My cabin is my happy place :) And tomorrow Abby is coming over and we're going to bake cookies! Yay! haha I'm so excited! I'm also excited for SPRING BREAK!!! Which is officially started! YESS! haha I'm in such a good mood!!! YAY!!!! This is the happiest i've been in a long time and it feels so good! Thank you Beefstew for making my day and making me realize that I have amazing friends and I don't need any guys. I have a ton of best friends and I don't need just THAT person to tell me they love me. I'm done with him.
So here's to best friends!!! They rock!!! :):):)

<3 Ella <3

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