Me, My Feelings, and I

Hey, I'm Ella :)
This blog is for any friends that want to see what i'm up to, but mostly just to get out all my feelings, inner thoughts, share inspiration, etc. I hope you like it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I think I found my Superhero

I asked God to send me an angel..... he sent me six.

Plus a superhero. <3

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am just soooo happy! :) :) :)  I finally found the new beginning i needed! I went to my close friend's party last saturday and i fit right in! I now have a new family(:  this group of friends is exactly what i needed! And there's a boy mixed in there as well...he is nice and funny and cute and he's hanging out with me on fridayyy!  So excited(:  So i hope everything goes right. For the first time im super happy!  I hope none of my other friends bother me about it or like get clingy now that im spending my time with them. But they make me happy and they dont really accept anyone into their group because they've all known each other sincce they were really little. But i guess they loved me!  If anything ruins this i will probably murder them. ahaha but for now im just going to start my new beginning with my new family.

<3 Ella <3

Friday, March 25, 2011

Well hi.

I think i found a way to get him to talk to me.... :) But we'll see.  He probably will continue ignoring me..but i know he wont say no to someone else..... so im talking to him on behalf of the new kid. Hopefully things go smoothly. :) 
I've been a lot better. I have amazing friends... and i've been somewhat majorly flirting with a guy i used to like and now like again.  He was in my ap class. Unfortunately not anymore :/  oh well. At least now he knows that he misses me ;)

It's hard to be happy if you're not. But you can at least try.

<3 Ella <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Fresh Beginning

Bonjour mon ami!
Spring Break is over!!! :'(   Today was the first day of the Tri.  Over spring break, I was refreshed.  I thought "screw them. screw everything. I'm done with drama."  And at school today, I felt those old feelings tugging at my heart.  But i was all "nope. not gonna happen."  And it worked!
Until now.
Thinking about him didn't do any damage at first. But now . . .  the more i think about him, the more the feelings creep back in.

WHY CAN'T I LET THIS GO?  Why isn't God helping me? Doesn't he get how hurt and frustrated and angry and emotional and doubtful this makes me?  It hurts. Not as bad as before though, which is a start i guess.  I keep wishing that he would give me some guidance, or a sign.  And then i wonder if he already did! But did he? Do you think he did? Because i don't know what it is. . . And if i don't know it's a sign, then is it really a sign?


<3 Ella <3

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Happy Place

I just got back from my  cabin and I'm feeling so refreshed!  It's so beautiful up cabin is my happy place.  The only place in the world i can escape my worries and hardships and soak in beauty.

I'm too distracted to say anything more...I'll write later!

<3 Ella <3


Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Best Friend Beefstew :)

Hello There!!!!
I'm in a FANTASTIC mood!!!!!! :D My best friend Kiara just left and I had the time of my life with her :) We always have soooo much fun and laugh sooo hard it's unbelievable. Being with her just reminds me of my true friends. And that I DO have amazing people in my life. My best friends are so amazing <3 I'm literally happier than i've been in a long time. Even thinking about drama can't get me down. And now we have spring break and I'm going up to my cabin!!! That's going to be amazing! My cabin is my happy place :) And tomorrow Abby is coming over and we're going to bake cookies! Yay! haha I'm so excited! I'm also excited for SPRING BREAK!!! Which is officially started! YESS! haha I'm in such a good mood!!! YAY!!!! This is the happiest i've been in a long time and it feels so good! Thank you Beefstew for making my day and making me realize that I have amazing friends and I don't need any guys. I have a ton of best friends and I don't need just THAT person to tell me they love me. I'm done with him.
So here's to best friends!!! They rock!!! :):):)

<3 Ella <3

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Boys are like Vampires... They Suck the Life Out of You

Hi there.
Yes, i just finished a book about vampires.  Yes, i just had a bad day because of a boy.  Yes, it's just typical teenage girl life.

So today I walk into math and find out we have a new seating arrangement for the day because we will be working in small groups to complete our quiz. Guess who's in my little circle of desks? Him. Sitting right across from me.  Its just me, him, ashley, max, and dutch.  And it's so awkward i can't even begin to describe it. Of course, I act like nothings wrong meanwhile I'm staring at him the whole time. 
And he won't even look at me. 
I just want to catch his eye, to smile and say hi, but no. He won't even glance my way.  He just pretended like I wasn't even there. How degrading is that?  I think a lot.  So basically I just endure it through out class laughing at something one of us said and doing my work and freaking out and being "funny" because i don't want Winston to call on me.  And then when we start our group work, it gets harder. We're supposed to all be working together. Huh. Funny how that worked out. 
Here's the good news: He actually did look at me and talk to me.  A little bit.  But only if I said something to him, like, "did you get number 12?" or if he asked a question i'd give him the answer.  And then he'd say "thanks" without looking at me. But he never asked me a question.  Only glanced at me a few times.

One of those times was when tears welled up in my eyes because i couldn't take it anymore. A silent, sad tear trekked down my cheek and max and dutch just stared.  Dutch said "Are you okay?"  and Nick finally looked up. Straight at me.  Funny how he knew it was me that was crying.  And I wiped away the tear and sniffled, "I'm fine," and glanced at him. He looked away so fast I wouldn't have known he was looking if it wasn't for my good peripheral vision. Ugh.  So then Max was all like "Ellieeee, whats wrongg???" And i continued to tell them nothing.  I got over it. Acted happy.  And then, what do you know, I started crying again.  That was after he'd walked over to Winston to ask a question.  Tears sprung up again and Ashley looked like a deer in the headlights. "Ellie dont. Aw c'mon ellie don't."  She did NOT want to see me cry. especially in the middle of class. Once again max inquired what was wrong. Once again i said nothing.  Ashley whispered, "You gotta look tough or he'll think your a baby."  and i replied, "I know," and sucked it up. I drew the tears back inside and took a deep breath.  Talk about misery. 
He went out to the computers and I went out there too and its funny how he can walk right next to me and behind me and in front of me and not so much as glance at me or say a word.  But it was so so so obvious that he was aware of my presence.  He was just ignoring me.  Pretending like i wasn't there.

Nobody deserves to feel that way. Nobody deserves to be treated that way.  Especially by their him.

<3 Ella <3